Hormone therapy - Vital Hormone Clinic

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy involves using medications and supplements to increase low hormone levels or block overproduction of certain hormones. It can treat common hormone disorders like hypothyroidism, menopause symptoms, and andropause or "male menopause."

For many patients, hormone therapy provides immense relief of hormonal deficiency symptoms and prevents complications of untreated hormone disorders like osteoporosis, heart disease, and anxiety/depression. Our hormone center offers cutting-edge therapies to help patients feel their best again.

Who Needs Hormone Therapy?

Some of the common signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

Hormone testing can determine which hormones are low or high. Our male hormone doctor first analyzes a patient's symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits. We then order laboratory blood tests, saliva tests, or urine tests to measure the patient's actual hormone levels.

Based on the test results, our clinicians create customized treatment plans to restore ideal hormone balances for the patient's age and gender.

Our Services

Regain your vitality with hormone therapy today!

Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Getting hormone levels back to optimal ranges provides both physical and mental benefits, including:

Balanced hormones let patients feel like their younger, healthier selves again. Our patients report life-changing improvements in many aspects of health.

Hormone Therapy Protocols

The type of hormone therapy depends on the particular imbalance. For testosterone deficiency, we may prescribe testosterone replacement injections, gels, pellets or patches to bring testosterone up to normal levels.

For menopausal women, we offer estradiol pills, patches, gels, and vaginal inserts or rings to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and bone loss. Balancing estradiol and progesterone is key for women's health.

Thyroid hormone medications like levothyroxine help normalize metabolism and energy in hypothyroidism patients. We also use DHEA and human growth hormone to replenish declining levels with age.

Our expert Vital Hormone Clinic clinicians determine the safest, most effective hormone therapy customized to the patient's needs and preferences. We provide ongoing monitoring and dosage adjustments as needed over months and years of treatment.

Your Hormone Health Partner

Our goal at Vital Hormone Clinic is to become your trusted partner for lifelong hormone health. We provide:

We understand the life-changing difference balanced hormones make in energy, strength, mood, sexuality, health and quality of life. That's why our passion is helping patients optimize their hormone levels.

Don't continue suffering from fatigue, weight gain, low libido, anxiety, and poor health due to hormonal imbalances. The knowledgeable hormone therapy experts at Vital Hormone Clinic can help you regain your vitality and wellbeing.

We look forward to partnering with you!

Regain your vitality with hormone therapy today!

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